Ode to Love
I love
Love is joy
in the beauty if another
oh, find this joy
share this love.
I love
Love is the warmth of the sun
that gives life to the universe
a summer's day
a golden glow
your smile.
I love
Love is rich,
we enrich one another
a precious heart touched by another's life
we touch the boundless
to be enriched together.
I love
Love is a garden
of beauty, fragrance, colour and life
we dance in it
we tend it
love is the purpose for the rose
I love
Love is a mirror
in it we see our humanity
living jewels
sparks in a world of love
what would the world be
without you?
I love you
can I do more
In love we share infinity
our home, our heaven
all the roses in the world
all the sunshine of the universe
as we are one with them.
I love