Tuesday, November 24, 2009

~ We Don’t Know Why ~

We Don’t Know Why.........

The twinkling of stars on a balmy night,
The gabble of geese as they take flight,
A passionate look in your lover’s eye,
The graceful ballet of a butterfly.

Living on the edge, in a committed way,
Facing all challenges day by day,
Your life on the line—to do, not just try,
Life is exciting—a natural high.

Failure and boredom appear in your life;
Unhappiness cuts you, just like a knife.
“Where are all the good times,” you cry;
Is life just hard, and then you die?”

The freshening feel of an ocean breeze,
The colors of change in the leaves on the trees,
The feeling of peace as the days go by,
Life's a dazzling puzzle—and we don’t know why.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

" Love Is Patient with a Life.............."

~ Love Is Patient with a Life ~

Love is patient with a life
That brings its share of pain.
We know sometime there is an end
To the most stubborn rain.

We know the sun comes out again
On a world that's fresh and new,
And all the gifts we freely give
Somewhere, sometime accrue.

We know sometimes we have to wait
For life to come around,
And sometimes that it won't, but still
There's some good to be found.

And even when things happen that
Your soul can hardly bear,
Know that Allah is next to you;
His love is always there.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

" Love Comes Through the Eyes That See ............"

~ Love Comes Through the Eyes That See ~

Love comes through the eyes that see
And through the ears that hear,
For people are quite beautiful,
And words make feelings clear.

Love comes through the hands that touch
With unabashed affection,
For only skin-to-skin can love
Maintain its true direction.

Love comes through the tastes and smells
Of fresh and well-cooked food,
For in the gift of nourishment
Is much else that is good.

But though love comes through senses five,
Love comes from the heart,
For there resides the greater love
Of which ours is a part.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Keep believing in yourself ~

Keep believing in yourself ~

There may be days when you get up in the morning
and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be.
That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better.

There are times when people disappoint you and let you down,
but those are the times when you must
remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinions,
to keep your life focused on believing in yourself
and all that you are capable of.

There will be challenges to face
and changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.

Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times,
but in those times of struggle
you will find a stronger sense of who you are,
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be,
the challenges and changes
will only help you
to find the goals
that you know are
meant to come true for you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

" Endless love ...................."

~ .......Endless love

Love is joy
in the beauty of another
Love is life
the sparkle of our world

Universal love
oh, what a boundless joy
Boundless love
the light of life

~ oOo ~

Wealth is not in what we get,
but in what we create,
life is rich by this alone,
by the wealth of the soul,
the beauty of its love,
the omniscience of its mind,
as we enrich one another.

Sex doesn't define humanity,
we, humanity, define it.
There is no light in romance,
but what we bring to it.
Love is joy,
in the beauty of another,

it reflects the beauty of the soul
of those who love.

This is our human world,
richer in brilliance than the stars,
and more infinite..

" Miscommunication....................."

~ Miscommunication ~

Miscommunication can change a person’s path.
It can alter your opinion, even fill you with wrath.

Always try to eliminate it before you place the blame,
when heated words are said nothing remains the same.

It leads to misunderstanding and breach of trust.
to express ourselves more accurately is definitely a must.

To lose through Miscommunication is a terrible loss,
we may lose something dear to us

We could be the bearer and not even know,
it’s important to lead by example for you reap what you sow.

Have courage to confront, to clear the air.
To leave things unsaid leaves a terrible tear.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

" Sometimes in Life............"

~ Sometimes In Life ~


When we think too much about ourself
We got exhausted and depressed
When we think too much about others
We got tired and stressed
When we expect too much in life
We think no one cares
When we set the target too high
We will not dare
Love for us is lost
We give up passion to live with all cost...


Feel good about what you have
Enjoy the good company around you
Be grateful of what God gave
Give the best all way through…


Smell the roses while passing by
Achieve the goal and fly high
Search the deepest truth of your heart
Treasure the precious company while being apart
Take care of the heart and soul
True happiness is the ultimate goal
Façade actions are to be ignored
Bring alive the soul that are bored
Give smile to the frowning faces
Heal up the bruises
Hope for the best
Cope with the rest
May be we blessed...