Monday, May 31, 2010

~ Sleepless ~

Sleepless .........

I'm here sleepless,
Sitting on my bed waiting,
For the night to take me,
I want it to so bad,
I'm tired of the noise,
The noise of my brain keeping me up,
Not even the plucking of strings
from my bass could tune the noise out,
I want so badly for the night to take me,
take me into its gentle warmth

Thursday, May 27, 2010

~ Sometimes You Have To Choose A Song .~

Sometimes You Have To Choose A Song .........

Rain . . .

Softly falling down . . .
each drop a symphony of sound . . .
as it hits the tin roof . . .
tap . . . tap . . . tap.

It can sound just like a sad song with a slow beat . . .
the kind that makes you daydream . . .
and feel sad and sigh . . .
as you think of what might of been or could be in your life.

Or maybe it is a happy song that brings back sweet memories . . .
tender thoughts and special smiles . . .
thinking of someone who makes your heart beat faster . . .
and your laughter ring with happiness and joy.

Or maybe it is a love song . . .
with sweet and soft lyrics . . .
tender and romantic and sensual . . .
that makes you think of dancing in the rain.

Only you can decide which song . . .
is the one you are hearing . . .
which music soothes your soul . . .
and which song you want to sing along with.

Sometimes, you have to choose a song . . .
and the choosing isn't easy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

~ Come Fly With Me ~

Come fly with me ........

Come fly with me ...
Glide along with me through the gentle flow of the wind.
Gently whisper your secrets in my ear with your golden wings.

Fill me with your humid breath of strength
as I fly into the clouds.

Delicately embrace my heart with your essence like soft flowing silk.

Smile sweetness upon me
so I'll always soar above mountains,

Above lush green hills and valleys refreshed by the streams.
Be like the sun's rays,
restoring my hopes and dreams.

Come fly with .....
Let me hear the sounds of meadowlarks echoing throughout.

Show me how the trees, bushes and flowers lightly dance about.

Give me the true vision of beauty to enjoy all these lavish blessings.

Let me feel the glorious freedom
and peace in life as I gently glide,

To the blue skies displayed with a bounty of colors and rainbows,

Becoming one heart and soul with the countenance of Creation,

Where the knowledge of the mysteries is within our reach.

Come fly with me
Come fly with me and be free
Fly freely and touch the sky
Feel the rainbow and see the clouds
Come fly with me
Take my hand
And come fly with me

to our world

away from all sadness and loneliness

only us


fly with me

Saturday, May 22, 2010

~ Touch the Life ~

Touch the Life......

Life is a sea of experiences
Many ups and many downs
Waves of which makes a man dynamic
Enjoying sometimes-sometimes pathetic

One who wants real joy
Must not desired any toy
Must be ready to play with stones
Tomb, disaster and broken bones
Flowers and showers are there
Also many opposite in nature

Go in the sea of struggle and strife
If you want to touch the life....

Monday, May 17, 2010

~Why ~


At sometime,
all of us have asked
profound word
attacks our minds with confusion, frustration, worst
of all misconceptions, but we continue asking

This three letter word,
withholds no answers,
no certainty
Our minds carry the riddles around and around
The stronghold is debilitating
We have to accept or convince ourselves there are no answers.

No reasoning that stands firm,
no theory and
no finality.
Human suffering continues on
As the song plays
We listen but the melodies are none
rhythms disappear
Endings are beyond the mountains
Unattainable concept of why?
No trace of existence

Don't leave ourselves open
Close the door of why